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A Country Drive and Ice Cream

Pipe Creek Falls

Kal and I took a leisurely country drive to Pipe Creek Falls, which is not far from us. He was annoyed at me for stopping to take pictures a few times, but I don’t care. It was too pretty not to capture on camera.

The last time I took a picture of the Falls was in winter. Can you imagine? This is somebody’s backyard! The sound of the moving water is so pleasant, I don’t think I could stay inside much if I lived there.

Speaking of riverfront property, my observation is that the houses are either million-dollar, super-duper homes, or they are a mixture of haunted-looking houses and dilapidated mobile homes. I don’t see too many in the middle.

Phlox along a country road
Phlox along a country road

There were phlox all along the roads on our drive. They remind me of growing up because we had some in our yard that grew up by the apple trees. The variety by the roadside is the same as what we had.

Yes, a weed to some, but beautiful field flowers to me.

The drive for Kal was soothing to yet another weather headache. Eventually, we meandered back to town by way of the road that follows the river, going through a teeny speck on the map called Lewisburg.

Lewisburg Rd sign
There's a place called Lewisburg

Lewisburg. Whenever I see the name of that, I think of Gene Hackman’s character playing Lex Luthor in the real Superman movie from the ‘70s. When Otis the henchman is renaming towns in their plot to take over the California real estate market, he names one after himself: Otisburg. The way Gene says “Otisburg, OTISburg?” has me saying Lewisburg just the same way.

Back in town after I lightened my pockets for some needed, and unneeded, things, I took Kal to East End. They’re the only place in town to go for ice cream, if you want the best. We have a Dairy Queen and another ice cream shop, but East End is my favorite.

Kal’s chocolate soft-serve ice cream cone was just the thing to kick the headache out.

Part of the day included rearranging furniture at the shop and our house. One of my younger sisters used to do that while my older sister and I were at school. We’d come home, and our little 5-year-old sister would have our entire bedroom rearranged.

Rearranging the shop by myself while I was waiting on a customer had me feeling like my Supergirl little sister when she was 5. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. I had will aplenty, so 3 massive tables and a solid oak pew got rearranged to make new dents in the carpet.

And this is where I go to sleep because I’m just done with the day for now.


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