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May 25, 20222 min read
Mom, I Folded the Laundry
Tonight was one of those nights I just couldn't come inside. I endured the voluntary torture of dance fitness, but if you've read any...

May 4, 20222 min read
De-Jungling the Yard
11:00 in the morning. This morning was a different version of the usual morning chaos. One child is home from school today, and the...

Apr 19, 20222 min read
8 Months of January
You know what a nice noise is when you're a parent? Hearing the toilet flush the way it's supposed to. Until you've had to fight with...

Apr 4, 20223 min read
A Granola Recipe & I'm Still Alive After Shopping
It is now April. We're past April Fool's Day. Nobody pulled a fast one on me, and if they did, I have yet to discover it. That also...

Nov 8, 20212 min read
Caulk Gun Safety and Toasty Buns
Do you ever stare at your computer in the grown-up stare? It's what you do when you just wrote an entire blog post, almost novel-length,...

Mar 13, 20212 min read
Campfire-ing With Cousins
My sister, her husband, and their three children came late last night for a stay at our house for the next few nights during some family...
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