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Painted Closets and A Bossy Mug

January is the official Get-Back-On-Track month, the Get-A-Grip month. Part of getting a grip is chucking all the Christmas candy. Sad. That's very sad for someone who loves sweets.

At least I can still have an ice cream stash. That doesn't count in the candy-chucking ritual, does it?

We have a new washer and dryer. Yay! That's something I don't appreciate enough until it's not there. The set that came with the house looked like it had serviced a barn full of Jersey cows. Even cleaned up, it just didn't work.

So, thank you to Lowe's delivery guys for hauling that set out to the alley store and bringing the new set down my steep basement stairs.

I'm glad I'm a lady. Nobody expects a lady to haul a washer and dryer, though I would certainly try if I had to.

And it's so nice to wash laundry any time of day or night now that the new set is in place. Ask any mom.

And the alley store? I've mentioned it before on here. It's the absolute best place to get rid of things that are too big to get rid of when you don't live out in the country where you can just burn everything. The alley pickers come by very reliably and take care of everything: appliances, furniture, scrap metal, old doors, and house junk.

I finished painting all the closets... finally! Mint green in Kara's room, and my happy yellow color in the hall cabinet. There's also a funny, shallow closet in the living room, the original intent of which is a puzzle to me.

On to painting the kitchen cabinet doors. Sounds like barrels of fun.

Kara's closet before

Kara's closet after, pretty mint green and white

Hall cabinet, sunny yellow

I gave the car a baff (the fun way to say bath) on the first warm-ish day we had in awhile. I can almost hear it sigh with relief as the car wash cleans off the fine layer of dirt spray coating everything.

We're preparing for a winter storm. That is to say, the locals are in a panic cleaning out the store shelves because some snow is on the way. I'm all for being prepared, but I can't quite understand the panic level.

The worst-case scenario in our county is that some of the county roads don't get plowed the first day. I have a hard time believing that every household in the county has absolutely no hold-over food that would work for the one day they are snowed in--if they are.

And, lastly, my friend, R, found a mug that gives me the reminder I need when I'm in the mommy brain fog mode, just in case there was any question about the subject.

Mom's the Boss--of course


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