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My South Carolina Mug, Squirrels, and the Bible

My South Carolina mug

I bought this mug in South Carolina. To me, it looks like sand and ocean, so I think fondly of South Carolina beaches whenever I use it.

It's a little dangerous sitting on our deck right now. We have walnuts overhead and squirrels that love them. Whenever I start hearing a series of things dropping through the branches above, I cover my coffee and wait for the bits of walnut hull to come crashing down after bouncing off the roof.

Our messy squirrel friend

Here's the untidy eater, acting as if he hadn't just pelted me with chewed-off walnut hulls.

Today holds the anticipation of hard conversations and just digging into some work I'd rather not do. I'm praying for the Lord's strength to face this day, which is best to have on any day.

On that topic, our friend recently mentioned that he could always count on my Bible being opened and on our dining room table (which is the main hub of the house, both old house and new) whenever he stopped by. I had no idea, of course, that he was noticing anything like that, but I have more resolve now to read it every day, even if I can only read a few verses.

Thinking back on my childhood, Mom's Bible was always out, opened, and read. It was normal.

That's something I want for my children to remember about their childhood.


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