Is a parent supposed to laugh or cry in this situation?
That is, I asked one child several times while we were at Meijer if he/she had enough socks, thinking maybe he/she didn't pack enough clean ones from their dad's house for spending the week with me. When you're a mom, it's perfectly reasonable to assume your children forgot to pack enough clean socks.
After several assurances that he/she did indeed have enough clean socks, the child in question mentioned that this was the 3rd day of wearing the same socks because he/she didn't pack any more.
You know the slap-on-the-forehead emoji? That's kind of what I felt.
The last few weeks have been a blur of a Florida trip, finishing the house (at least enough for now), Thanksgiving, and... MOVING! Finally!

Florida was fabulous naturally. I find it hard to leave such a beautiful state. The salt air just clears my head and refreshes my soul. The friends I stayed with were the best of hosts, and I came back with a few of the delicious recipes they made. Thank you, S & V!
While I was gone, Mom, Dad, and some of my family members worked on the floors of my house, which was the last project before I could move in.
Moving Day was the day after Thanksgiving. One great thing about being part of a big family is we all pitch in and help when there is a need. I had plenty of family help that day, and we got my pile of junk out of Mom and Dad's garage and into my new house.
No matter the setting, it still looked like a pile of junk.
The house finally feels clean. Not just surface-clean, but clean in my mind, too. I can walk barefoot throughout and not be grossed out. I can touch walls and other surfaces now without feeling compelled to wash my hands afterward.
We're putting new smells in the house with candles: cinnamon spice, fir tree, apple cinnamon. With that and the mountains of work with scrubbing, bleaching, priming, and painting every single surface, the house has lost the stink for which I named it The Stinky House.
I am just so thankful to be in my own home again!
Moving naturally brings all sorts of chaos. I have most of the house settled down now except the kitchen. Every cabinet needed new shelf paper. I always thought of that as an old-lady thing to do. Not when you have cabinets like mine. Even with scrubbing everything, I like the peace of mind that comes with a new surface--especially when the starting point in this house was so grimy.

The Christmas tree is shining brightly, the curtains are hung, and I have rugs down on the floors by the beds and sofa for cold tootsies.
Feels like home.
Plus I finally have internet service again. Big plus.

BunnBunn must feel at home also. He's happily hopping around and up on things, finding new mischief to make, chewing on any cardboard he can find, and we have to keep him from the cords.
He has started hopping up on me when I'm on the sofa. For instance, right now I have a bunny butt in my face because he needs to know what I'm doing.
And I'm off now to straighten up, again, the house messes of the day before I deal with the work messes of the day.