Yesterday was the first day of school. I have two high-schoolers.
Cue the chorus of parents all lamenting how fast the time goes by. I feel the same very acutely.
In all the years past, I would scurry to the nearest junk mart to load up on the lengthy list of school supplies we were told our students just had to have in order to assist their academic endeavors.
After all, they couldn't be expected to achieve high grades without the proper number and color of folders.
And every year, they would return home on the last day with much of it unused.
This year I rebelled against the list; I didn't go to the nearest junk mart; I only sent them with a notebook and pens to write down what each teacher says they actually need.
Cue the side-eye glances to see if I'll get in trouble for being a rebel!
And... the school didn't call me out. Whew! Close call!
Maybe being a rebel is just thinking for myself sometimes.