I have a few minutes here before picking up the kids from school.
The house feels too quiet.
I'm running laundry and the dishwasher right now. Just putting the house back together after having company for several days.
I love a full house. Watching my children play with their cousins; hearing them laugh. Chatting until well past midnight with my sister that I don't get to see very often.
She surprised us one morning by making breakfast. Kris's eyes lit up at the prospect of a real breakfast rather than a bagel and cream cheese. Sweet, cinnamon-apple-raisin oatmeal and eggs with sausage. Who wouldn't want it?

Bunny is loafing in the corner where he has been most of the day. Sometimes he'll change to a different corner, same position: a loaf of French bread. Anyone with a bunny knows the loaf position.
Leo the bunny is like a cat, except his poo is easier to clean, and he doesn't talk to us. Otherwise, he shows an attitude, lays around all day in the corner of his choosing, decides when he wants us around, and perks up his ears when he hears us talking about him.
He'll stretch and yawn and loaf and chew his cardboard and twitch his nose and clean his paws and ears.
Getting a picture of him with his ears down and loafing is hard: he perks up as soon as we come around with a camera.
My brother, Mark, is making pizza tonight for our family that is still in the area. I won't say where and when, or you guys would all descend on that location for a taste of his fabulous cooking.
He's developed his own recipe and sworn his wife to secrecy. It's just that good.
I finally pulled out the lavender candle. All the winter scents are used up. Warm weather should hurry up and get here now that I have the right candles out.